
Sunday, June 3, 2007

Re: Reducing Poverty

Byron offers some comment on, and criticism of, Saturday's post titled Reducing Poverty. His thoughts can be read on our Feedback page.

Those interested in the book to which he refers in his last paragraph can order it here.


Thought For A Sunday

Earlier this week I stumbled across a 2x3 card that the church I attend gives out after each service. This particular one was from last October. It has a Key Scripture as well as a reference to a Psalm and Daily Scriptures for each day of the week. Quite a bit of stuff packed onto both sides of that little card.

The Key Scripture was from Micah 6:8; "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?".

I was quite taken by this verse and decided to read more of the book of Micah to get the context of the passage. The book is only seven chapters long. I saw that Micah was a contemporary of Isaiah. Both were prophesying around the same time and for the same reasons. For the most part the book seems to be pretty much doom and gloom and then the reader comes to the verse I mentioned above and sees a ray of hope.

And then I came to Micah 7:7 and what may be the most complete verse in all of the Bible; "Therefore I will look unto the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me".

Despite the impending doom of judgment Micah chooses to turn to the LORD. He does so with patience knowing any response may not be immediate. He's prepared to wait on God. And he does so with confidence that he will be heard. What an example and prescription for peace of mind.