Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Re: We're Right Because You're an Idiot

Byron issues a plea that we point out the ugly rhetoric emanating from both sides of our political debates and not just what's coming from the left. His email is on the Feedback page.

His concern is a fair one, but as I replied to him, I'm just not hearing consequential people on the right, except for some talk radio hosts whom I have criticized in this space on more than one occasion, using the sort of invective that Paul Begala and others are using. Begala called Sarah Palin, for example, "half a whack job" because she espied the possibility of "death panels" in HR 3200. I haven't heard anyone use that kind of language to describe Mr. Obama, but maybe I'm just not tuned in to it.

I therefore invite any of our readers who would like to participate in what we'll call a "civility patrol" to submit any instances of incivility that you encounter from people who are leaders in their parties or in the media to our Feedback page, and we'll post the results. The examples can be from conservatives or liberals, it doesn't matter.