
Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Statist Mentality

What happens when government knows best? Stuff like this:
I don't want to give the impression that I think government has no role to play in our polity. Nor do I pretend to know precisely where the line should be drawn to keep government from obtruding upon our personal lives and infringing upon our freedoms.

I do think, though, that if the government can inspect little girls' lunches in North Carolina, tell them that their mommies aren't preparing their lunches correctly, and make them pay the cost of a "proper meal," or if it can scare the bejabbers out of a family over a crayon drawing, as in the above case in Canada, then the government has stepped well over that line.

Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

Andrew Breitbart, an enormous presence on the web, died suddenly last night at the age of 43. He was behind a number of exposés of organizations like ACORN and Planned Parenthood and as such he earned the enmity of the left.

Sadly, it seems that when one earns the enmity of the left you can expect them to get pretty nasty, but when someone dies, even someone they don't much like, decent people look for the good to say about the person or they just keep quiet. Not the commenters at this site, however.

Breitbart was someone's son, husband, and father. To thank God that he's dead is cruel and disgusting. For people to be joyful at a political opponent's death is disgraceful, but I guess that's the point to which we have sunk. When people believe that character no longer matters there'll no longer be many people who have much character.


Rick Santorum has given our secular elites a case of the vapors with his claim in a chapel address to a group of Catholic students at Ave Maria college in Florida four years ago that Satan is targeting America. Millions of Americans believe that Satan is a real being, but the good folks at MSNBC, CNN and other liberal precincts are scandalized that someone would actually be so gauche as to actually say it.

To listen to the huffing, sniffing, and tut-tutting going on one would think that Santorum was the first politician to give voice to a belief in Beelzebub in private speech, but he's surely not. He is, though, a Republican and that apparently makes a significant difference even if one is hard put to discern why, exactly, it should.

I'll bet Lucifer was a topic for discussion in Jimmy Carter's Sunday School classes in his church in Plains, Georgia over the years, and that President Obama's pastor Jeremiah Wright preached on the devil in some of his fiery sermons, even if he does think that the devil is the white man. More recently, congresswoman Maxine Waters identified John Boehner and Eric Cantor, two more white men, as "demons" so presumably Ms Waters holds demonological opinions which she has doubtless gleaned from years of careful Bible study on the subject.

So why do Santorum's views, views which he shares with both Pope John Paul, Pope Benedict, Mother Teresa, many theologians, and the very founders of the world's great monotheistic religions, make him derisory? Why is Republican Santorum a fanatic for believing that there is a literal Satan, but Democrat Jimmy Carter was not?

Okay, I guess I just answered my own question.