
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Talk of Impeachment Is Premature

Sarah Palin said the other day, quite rightly, I think, that if this president doesn't deserve impeachment then no president does. True, true. Mr. Obama has, inter very many alia, failed to uphold the laws he took an oath to uphold, but nevertheless I think impeachment efforts at this point would be a mistake. Pat Buchanan is correct, in my opinion, when he writes this:
Any Republican attempt at impeachment would go up against a stacked deck. And the GOP would be throwing away a winning hand for a losing one.

For while the American people have shown no interest in impeaching Obama, they are coming to believe they elected an incompetent executive and compulsive speechmaker who does not know what the presidency requires and who equates talk with action.

With the economy shrinking 3 percent in the first quarter, with Obama sinking in public approval, and with the IRS, NSA and VA scandals bubbling, why would Republicans change the subject to impeachment?

The effect would be to enrage and energize the Democratic base, bring out the African-American vote in force and cause the major media to charge the GOP with a racist scheme to discredit and destroy our first black president.

Does the GOP really want a fight on that turf, when they currently hold the high ground? If you are winning an argument, why change the subject?

If the nation is led to believe Republicans seek to gain the Senate so they can remove Barack Obama from office after a GOP-led impeachment, then Republicans are not likely to win the Senate.
It's a tough call because Republicans shouldn't be putting the nation at risk by allowing a man wholly unsuited for the office to continue to dig us into an ever deepening hole just to make it more likely that the GOP will prevail in 2016. Even so, it seems more prudent to me to view the task at hand as continuing to educate the public as to the destructive nature of Mr. Obama's policies and those of his allies in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Impeachment may come, but it should come when the overwhelming number of Americans have indicated that they want the President out, and as far as I can tell we haven't yet reached that point.

Mr. Obama is not popular, but his unpopularity shouldn't be confused with a willingness to see the first black president thrown out of office. As Buchanan points out, that's something which at this juncture, neither the media, nor the African-American community, nor the majority of Democrats would abide. Even so, there are signs that the nation might be moving in that direction. The November election results should give us some inkling of what's in the offing.