
Friday, February 13, 2015

Random Ponderings

Here are a few questions I've pondered this week:
  • Why are so many women outraged when they hear that the Bible says that wives should submit to their husbands, but they're eager to pay money to watch a woman submit to the demands of a cool looking guy who happens to be a sexual pervert who subjects her to sado-masochistic sex in the movie Fifty Shades of Gray? And why are feminists not picketing what is essentially the mainstreaming and celebration of the objectification and degradation of women?

    How many feminists are, so far from being incensed by the release of this film, instead eager to watch it, and why are we not hearing fulminating condemnations of Hollywood from progressives for the film industry's escalation of the "war on women"?

  • Why does Wisconsin governor and possible presidential candidate Scott Walker get questions from the media about why he didn't finish college, as if that were a strike against his suitability to be president, but they were completely disinterested in how Barack Obama performed when he was in college? Are the journalists who attach so much importance to Walker's decision to leave college in his senior year to take a job (much like many college athletes do) as concerned about Joe Biden's record of plagiarism as an undergraduate? Were they as concerned about Ted Kennedy's cheating at Harvard or John Kerry's mediocre record at Yale? Why is it only Republicans whose college experience is deemed so crucial to their fitness for high political office?

  • Speaking of Scott Walker, why is he being asked his views on evolution, of all things? Why do his views on this subject matter? If they do matter has any Democrat been asked for his/her views on evolution? What are Hillary Clinton's views on the subject? Does anyone in the mainstream media even know what they're asking when they ask the question? Or, as Jonah Goldberg once put it:
    Why does the Left get to pick which issues are the benchmarks for “science”? Why can’t the measure of being pro-science be the question of heritability of intelligence? Or the existence of fetal pain? Or the distribution of cognitive abilities among the sexes [or races] at the extreme right tail of the bell curve? Or if that’s too upsetting, how about dividing the line between those who are pro- and anti-science along the lines of support for ... nuclear power? Or Yucca Mountain? Why not deride the idiots who oppose genetically modified crops, even when they might prevent blindness in children?
    Each of these has far more relevance to public policy than does one's view on evolution, but each of them is a position on which liberal Democrats would generally fall on the side of "anti-science" so the question will never be asked.

    The response any politician asked by a journalist for his/her views on evolution should be: "What do you mean by evolution?" That'll end this stupid interrogation since probably 99 out of 100 journalists who cover politics have no coherent idea what they mean by the word evolution in the first place.

  • Finally, why is the FBI investigating whether the tragic murders of three young Muslims in North Carolina was a hate crime [isn't every intentional homicide ipso facto motivated by hate?] even though the local police said the murders stemmed from a dispute over a parking space? Is this particular investigation prompted by the fact that the killer was white and the victims were Muslims?

    How many times have local police determined that a black on white (or Asian) crime of violence was not a hate crime, and no one, least of all the Department of Justice, questioned that judgment? It seems that the Holder Justice Department is only interested in hate crimes when the perpetrator is white and the victim is a racial or religious minority.