
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

NORKs Get an Eye-Opener

Strategy Page suggests a possible (probable?) reason for the sudden apparent thawing on the part of the North Koreans toward the South. Ironically, if their analysis is correct, the reason Kim Jong Un is toning down his bellicose rhetoric and sounding like he wants to make nice is due to an intelligence coup on their part.

Here's the crux of the story:
The recent change of attitude by North Korea towards South Korea could be attributed to a number of obvious factors like the continued collapse of the North Korean economy along with morale and effectiveness of the North Korean military and security forces in general. Recent defectors from North Korea report that conditions inside the military are bad and getting worse. Physical exams of these defectors confirms those reports.

But there is another reason for the change of attitude that was not commented on much because of the sensitive nature of the information. In short, at the end of 2017 North Korea got a look at South Korean and American war plans and were alarmed at what they found. The northerners had every reason to believe this information was accurate because in late 2017 South Korean military networks were hacked and a large quantity of secret documents appear to have been copied.

This apparently included several OPLANs (Operational Plan, a plan for a single or series of connected operations to be carried out simultaneously or in succession by specified military units).
The article goes on to give details as to what OPLANS are and what they do and then says this:
What was scary about all this from the North Korean viewpoint was that the OPLANs detailed capabilities many North Korean generals believed were enemy propaganda. But OPLAN documents are top secret and only for internal use. No need for propaganda there, and that made it clear the North Korean military was a lot more vulnerable than North Koreans realized. The South Korean and American intelligence knew a lot more about the location and status of North Korean weapons than the North Korean generals had believed.

Not only that but the OPLANS described in detail how the many modern weapons the South Koreans had, like smart bombs and guided missiles, would be able to do a lot more damage to the North Korean military and do it faster than the North Koreans had believed possible.

The OPLANS described how the North Korean air defense system would be quickly destroyed and South Korean and American commando teams would hit key targets. OPLANS made reference to messages broadcast to North Korean civilians emphasizing help (food, medical care, elimination of the police state) was on the way.

While many North Koreans would fight to defend the Kim dynasty the North Korean secret police (that monitored public attitudes) knew that a growing number of North Koreans would welcome the southerners as liberators.

Once the North Korean hackers delivered the stolen OPLANs documents in September 2017 it took a few months for the military and other security agencies up north to digest all this information and conclude that the north was screwed.

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un was briefed, followed by him firing another few senior advisors who were apparently on the wrong side of this new reality. Kim then told South Korea that he wanted to improve relations, send a delegation to the Winter Olympics and get together with South Korea leaders to have friendly discussions about matters of mutual interest.
Much of the bluster coming from Pyongyang was rooted in a belief that they were largely invulnerable to military action by South Korea and the U.S. The purloined OPLANs showed them otherwise and has made their barbaric leadership markedly more amenable to "talks".

This is what Ronald Reagan meant when he talked about "peace through strength". Had the Norks not realized the danger their bombast and provocations were placing them, had they not discovered that they were going to pay a terrible cost, we might well be hurtling toward war today.

As it is we still might be, but it seems that the danger is less now than it was six months ago.