
Friday, June 22, 2018

Dropping Their Masks

One thing we can say about Donald Trump is that he certainly has a talent for getting liberals to reveal their true selves. Recently we've been treated to an extraordinary spectacle of rudeness, vulgarity and cruelty by people who call themselves liberal and progressive.

Here's a recap of just a few examples:

Robert De Niro stepped to the microphone to give a simple introduction to Bruce Springsteen’s Tony-nominated show, and immediately went full Trump Derangement Syndrome: “I’m gonna say one thing … F–k Trump,” De Niro declared with his fists in the air. “It’s no longer ‘Down with Trump,’ it’s ‘F–k Trump!'”

His remarks were welcomed with cheers and a standing ovation from his audience. De Niro has also said about the president that he’d like to “punch him in the face.”

Bill Maher told his viewers that he was hoping for another recession because a crashing economy can hurt Trump’s reelection chances. “Sorry if that hurts people,” Maher added insincerely, “but it’s either root for a recession or you lose your democracy.”

“Full Frontal” host Samantha Bee trashed Ivanka Trump for posting a picture on social media accounts of her and her infant son during the emotional immigration debate. Bee called the First Lady a “feckless c–t.”

Peter Fonda ranted, somewhat incoherently, that, "We should rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant a**hole she is married to. 90 million people in the streets on the same weekend in the country. F***."

Fonda also tweeted this about Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielson: "Kristjen Nielson is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passerby. The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passerby while being filmed for posterity."

Then there's a truly sick piece from the degenerate mind of someone at Occupy Wall Street. It's titled What to Do If You Encounter An ICE Agent and it consists of a series of six panels (You can see it here if you have the stomach) illustrating the following "instructions":

1. If an ICE agent tries to take your child at the border, don't panic.
2. Pull your child away as quickly as possible by force.
3. Gently tell your child to close his/her eyes and ears so they won't witness what you're about to do.
4. Grab the ICE agent from behind and push your knife into his chest with an upward thrust, breaking through his sternum.
5. Reach into his chest and pull out his still beating heart.
6. Hold his bloody heart out for all other agents to see, and tell them that the same fate awaits them if they f*** with your child again.

This sort of despicable rhetoric will sooner or later get someone killed.

These examples illustrate how corrosive hatred can be to the human soul. Hatred makes people spiritually ugly, and spiritually ugly people do and say ugly things.

Nor are these examples symptomatic of the moral sickness of just a few isolated individuals. Rather than be greeted by repugnance and disgust, they received standing ovations, cheers and hundreds of retweets and "likes".

What has happened to our culture that it produces and celebrates people who say such things? Why do so many who gravitate to the left express themselves in such vicious and vulgar ways? What is it about liberalism that attracts such people? Why do people in the Democratic party and the liberal media not condemn this behavior in the strongest possible terms?

If anyone on the right had said things about President Obama, his wife or the Obama children anywhere close to what has been said about President Trump, his wife and his son, the offenders would've been turned into social pariahs and those who cheered for them treated with the opprobrium they would've deserved.

Not so, however, in these cases. If the media notices it all, they minimize it, make excuses for it, rationalize it. They make themselves complicit in the continuing degradation of our political discourse and complicit in the bloodshed that may well eventually result from it.

Donald Trump has, without even trying, illumined some very dark hearts. He has provoked these people to drop their masks and reveal to the world the sleazy, depraved individuals they are, and that's no mean public service.