
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Three Questions for Moderate Muslims

A story in The Guardian from two years ago relates how the family of Adel Kermiche, the young man who slit the throat of a French priest who was saying mass, had struggled to keep him from jihad. Kermiche had twice been stopped trying to get to Syria to join ISIS and had been placed in prison, but he had persuaded a gullible French judge that he was a moderate Muslim and no threat.

The judge, against the recommendation of prosecutors who knew better, released him from jail. In consequence a priest was horribly murdered and others were seriously injured.

Moderate Muslims insist after incidents like this that we must not blame Islam, that Kermiche was psychologically troubled, and that, despite the testimony of his schoolmates and others who said he talked religion all the time, it wasn't his religion which drove him to commit his terrible crime.

David Wood is a man who seeks to engage Muslims to examine what the Qu'ran and Hadiths teach about violence. It may seem presumptuous for a non-Muslim to undertake such a mission, but apparently many Muslims, like many Christians, don't really know what their holy books actually say.

In any case, Wood poses three questions in this short video to those who consider themselves moderate Muslims. His questions are intended to highlight the overall question why it is deemed racist or bigoted to be concerned about the spread of a religion that seems to spawn such horrific acts of violence as has Islam.
So, is Wood missing something?