
Thursday, October 4, 2018

Would the Democrats Confirm This Man to SCOTUS?

As perhaps you've heard by now, Judge Kavanaugh's enemies have developed a new line of attack against him. Corroborating evidence for the accusations of sexual impropriety has not materialized, but no matter, there are other salacious allegations, as yet unsubstantiated, that can be mustered into the mission of destroying Mr. Kavanaugh, President Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court. One of these is the claim that as a student Kavanaugh drank beer before attaining legal age and got himself mixed up in a few shameful brawls.

This has elicited gasps of horror from media fainthearts who insist that such a man is simply too odious, violent and unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. Indeed, Senator Mazie Hirono is scandalized to learn that in one such altercation the young Mr. Kavanaugh is actually alleged to have thrown ice cubes at an antagonist in a tavern.

Moreover, I have it on good authority that he also pulled Suzie's pigtails when he was in kindergarten.

Anyway, if the leftist progressives in the Democratic party and the media are apoplectic at the mere thought of a Justice Kavanaugh what would they say and do if President Trump were to nominate a man to the highest court in the land who publicly described his younger self as a "thug" who got into a lot of fights, who regularly drank to excess and did illegal drugs while not taking school seriously. In fact, imagine that this nominee admitted to occasionally drinking a six pack of beer before going to class.

Given their revulsion at Brett Kavanaugh's alleged behavior they'd surely be appalled by this nominee and regard him as manifestly unsuited to be elevated to such an estimable position. They would surely reject his nomination out of hand, smear him, devastate his family and destroy his reputation and career. Late night hosts would make him the object of incessant ridicule and cable news talking heads would be shaking their heads and wagging their fingers at the very thought that such a man could aspire to a seat of power and prominence.

This is, after all, how they've treated Kavanaugh, so our hypothetical nominee could certainly expect no less and could, perhaps, expect to be treated even worse.

Except the man in question is not hypothetical. He actually did aspire to a position of power and prominence and he achieved it. More than that, the left deified him, idolized him, and worshipped him and his family. His past thuggery and druggery were of no moment to them. They couldn't care less what he did as a young man, all that mattered to them was who he is now.

The man, of course, was Barack Obama, and you can watch him acknowledge his youthful transgressions and indiscretions in an interview here. He also wrote about them in his autobiography, Dreams of My Father.

It's amazing that the standard to which the left wishes to hold Brett Kavanaugh seems to have been invented just for him. It certainly didn't exist in 2008 and 2012 when Barack Obama was running for the most powerful office in the world, but then Mr. Obama was a progressive Democrat and Kavanaugh is a judicial conservative.

That probably explains quite a lot, don't you think?