
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Rock Bottom

If there's truth to the aphorism that people are known by the company they keep then rank and file Democrats must be feeling a bit uneasy and embarrassed by the sheer wickedness and lunacy of some of the people who vote the way they do.

There are, of course, awful people on both sides of the political spectrum, but no prominent Republican has said or done anything as remotely vile as have some prominent Democrats.

To be sure, Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who brought the allegations against Brett Kavanaugh that when they were at a high school party he forced her into a bedroom and then jumped on top of her (she claims to have escaped from the room before anything else happened and none of the people she names as witnesses have corroborated her story), claims now to be receiving death threats. If this is true it's absolutely disgusting and contemptible, but as of yet there are no records of the threats and we have no idea who might be doing this.

Yet, in terms of sheer hatred, cruelty and verbal violence, from people who are in the public eye and can be counted among the elite in our society, it's hard to match what we're seeing from some on the left.

Consider just two recent examples. Georgetown University Professor C. Christine Fair, who, according to a piece in The Daily Caller, has a sordid record of vulgar and hateful rhetoric, tweeted recently:
“Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist’s arrogated entitlement.”

“All of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps,” Fair wrote. “Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes.”
A second example of the left's moral dwarfism comes to us from a writer for the Stephen Colbert show named Ariel Dumas who tweeted on Saturday before the Kavanaugh confirmation vote that, "Whatever happens, I'm just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life."

It evidently doesn't matter to these people that Kavanaugh might well be innocent. It doesn't matter that even if he did try to force himself on a woman while intoxicated 36 years ago that he may be a man of completely different character today.

It doesn't matter that both of these women doubtless voted for Bill Clinton, a man credibly alleged to have been a serial sexual assaulter and both presumably would have supported Ted Kennedy, who was not only renowned for his sexual improprieties but was actually responsible for the death of a young woman.

Indeed, it wouldn't have mattered whatsoever if the allegations had never been brought against Judge Kavanaugh. No one in the Senate would have voted any differently than they did vote.

Fairness and logical consistency are irrelevant when one is consumed by hatred to the point that the most important thing is ruining someone's life or gloating over the prospect of their murder and mutilation.

Also embarrassing for Democrats must be the behavior of protestors in the Senate gallery as the vote was taken on Saturday. Women screamed, screeched and howled like inmates in an asylum. These are the people who want to determine who runs the country? These are the people who demand that we listen to them? Why on earth should we?

Perhaps those who belong to the same party as these women are outraged at the black eye their party's being given. Perhaps they're asking themselves what it is about their candidates that appeals to people like these, and perhaps they're asking themselves whether they really want to be associated with individuals who give so much evidence of being mentally and/or morally sick.

If they're not perhaps they should be.