
Monday, June 24, 2019

Is Elvis Still Alive?

J. Warner Wallace is a former detective who brings his forensic experience to bear on questions surrounding the existence of God. In the following four minute video he addresses the problem posed to naturalism by the fine-tuning of the cosmos.

As we've discussed at this site on numerous occasions, dozens of the forces, constants and parameters that comprise the universe in which we live, are so exquisitely calibrated that had any of them deviated from its actual value by the most unimaginably infinitesimal amount either the universe wouldn't exist at all or, if it did, life would be impossible in it.

The most popular naturalistic response to the fine-tuning problem is to propose that there are an infinite array of universes, with every possible set of values for these forces and constants existing somewhere in the array. Thus, a universe like ours, as improbable as it is, must exist.

This is called the multiverse hypothesis and Wallace asks some interesting questions concerning it, including the one in the title of this post. Take a look:
Thanks to Evolution News for bringing the video to my attention.