
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Double Standard

Liberals in the state of Oregon, Washington and Colorado are seeking to ruin family-run businesses which "deny service" to people who solicit them to participate in gay wedding services to which they have religious objections.

The details of how cruel some of these plaintiffs can be are deeply disappointing. Barronelle Stutzman's ordeal is especially so since suit was brought against her and her floral shop by a long-time customer she thought was a friend.

The Oregon case was brought before the Supreme Court which on Monday vacated a lower court decision against the bakers, Melissa and Aaron Klein.

A Colorado baker has been sued three times even though each time the courts have ultimately ruled in his favor. Nevertheless, the progressives persist in harassing all of these people and seem determined to drive them into financial ruin.

Meanwhile, a number of social media platforms are giving the boot to conservatives whose views those who manage these platforms don't like.

Columnist Michelle Malkin wrote last summer:
Pro-life, pro-border security and anti-jihadist journalists and activists have all been selectively gagged on Google/YouTube, Facebook and Twitter..... in the unhinged era of the anti-Trump resistance, intermittent purges, "accidental" suspensions and suspicious deletions of conservative content have spiked to a level of systemic censorship.

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey ... admitted his company's left-wing bias and dismissed revelations from his own engineers, who confided to undercover Project Veritas journalists that they were creating algorithms to "ban a way of talking," "down rank" users based on politics and employ "machine learning" to create special triggers and keywords -- "the majority of (which) are for Republicans."
She then listed the fate, as of last summer, of a number of conservative users of social media:
In April, the brilliant anti-leftist street artist Sabo disappeared from Twitter without warning or explanation. My friend and colleague Gavin McInnes was silenced on Twitter recently for absolutely no good reason and remains suspended.

Prager University .. has been suppressed on Facebook and it's clear it was no accidental glitch. One of the videos yanked was conservative millennial vlogger and host Allie Stuckey's piece called "Make Men Masculine Again."

Author and philosopher Stefan Molyneux, whose video podcasts have 250 million views, was also silenced by speech suppressors on YouTube, which arbitrarily issued community guideline violation strikes against him for videos including an interview with British journalist Katie Hopkins and a discussion on the Death of White Males.

My friend and conservative social media guru Nick Short, of the Security Studies Group, was one of thousands of conservative activists who discovered they've been throttled by Twitter's use of a "complex and opaque Quality Filter algorithm that has the effect of disproportionately restricting the voices of conservatives under the guise of limiting harmful or abusive users."
In the past year, Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager (again) have all been deplatformed or demonetized.

So here's the question. If, in the progressive way of seeing things, it's a wrong worth destroying people's lives over for private business owners to abide by their religious convictions and "deny service" to gays wishing to make them complicit in their wedding, why is it not also wrong for a private business like Facebook, Google or Twitter to deny service to conservatives wishing to use their service?

Is there an answer to this question, or is this an example of hypocrisy on the part of the progressives who condemn bakers and florists but not their fellow lefties at Big Social Media?