
Thursday, October 17, 2019

The End of Girls' Sports?

Yesterday's post criticized the media for fabricating embellishments to their news stories which falsify the news and deceive their consumers. Today's post discusses, in part, how the media distorts the public's understanding by maintaining silence on issues that would embarrass their political allies were those issues publicized.

A case in point is the Gender Equality act which every Democrat candidate has promised to pass if he or she is elected president. The part the media doesn't explain is that the provisions of this act would apparently place women's athletics in serious jeopardy.

The Daily Caller explains:
Democrats have made girls’ sports a 2020 campaign issue, but establishment media outlets are keeping their viewers and readers in the dark.

Every Democratic frontrunner has pledged their support of the Equality Act, which would make “gender identity” a protected characteristic under federal anti-discrimination law. Among other things, the bill would force public schools to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls. (italics mine)
If girls are forced to compete against biological males it could very likely be the prelude to the demise of girls' athletics, at least at the elite level. Women's high school state championships, major college competitions and National and Olympic level teams will very likely come to be dominated by males who claim to be females.

This has already happened in Connecticut this year where two boys who identify as female competed and won their events in the women's high school state track and field championships.

The Daily Caller article goes on to highlight the media blackout of the consequences for women's athletics if the Gender Equality act passes in its current form:
Every Democratic frontrunner for president has pledged their support for the bill, which passed the House in May with unanimous Democratic support. But when establishment media outlets have covered the Equality Act in relation to the 2020 election, the girls’ sports issue has gone missing.

An Oct. 10 CNN article noted that passing the Equality Act is a “top priority” for the 2020 campaigns of California Sen. Kamala Harris, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, but made no mention of the bill’s impact on female sports. CNN’s LGBT town hall the same day included zero questions about transgender athletes in girls’ sports.

Only one CNN article, when the Equality Act passed the House in May, has mentioned the girls’ sports issue in relation to the bill. The rest of CNN’s coverage of the bill—including Democrats’ support for it on the 2020 campaign trail—has ignored the athlete issue altogether.

An Oct. 8 analysis piece by CNN writer Brandon Tensley, for example, noted that the Senate would likely pass the Equality Act if Democrats retake control in 2020—but included nothing about what the bill means for female athletics.
There are more examples at the link. Anyone who thinks that boys, no matter whether they've received hormone treatments or not, will not, on average, be bigger, stronger and faster than most girls, are denying both the science and common sense.

If any boy who claims to identify as transgender is permitted to compete against girls fewer girls will be participating in high school sports, since they'll be beaten out by boys, and those who do participate will be at an unnatural and unfair competitive disadvantage.

Moreover, girls will be increasingly likely to be intimidated and injured in sports like soccer and basketball where bodily contact frequently occurs.

In order to accommodate a perverse sense of "justice" for transgenders a gross injustice will be done to girls. This is ironic in that Title IX was passed in 1972 partly to guarantee that girls would have the same athletic opportunities as boys. Now, in the service of advancing the left's ideological agenda, we're contemplating diminishing those opportunities by welcoming biological boys into girls sports.

If this makes sense, the sense is eluding me.