
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Secrets of the Cell

Michael Behe is a biochemist at Lehigh University who has written several books in which he challenges Darwinian orthodoxy on the sufficiency of natural processes to produce biological complexity.

In the short video below he introduces a series of videos, titled "Secrets of the Cell" and produced by The Discovery Institute, on the amazing biology of living cells.

Behe's books include, Darwin's Black Box, in which he introduced the notion of irreducible complexity; The Edge of Evolution, in which he argued that any naturalistic evolutionary process can only occur within certain genetic limits; and his most recent work, Darwin Devolves, in which he makes a strong case for his belief that change occurs in living things when existing genes are broken or blunted not by the formation of new genes as Neo-Darwinism maintains.

In other words, according to Behe biological change is really a devolutionary process, not an evolutionary process.

In this introductory episode of "Secrets of the Cell" Behe explains how he first came to be interested in the topic of evolution: