
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

"A Reprehensible Idea"

Jordan Peterson opens the video below by claiming that "the idea of white privilege is absolutely reprehensible." 

I believe he's right about this. The idea of "white privilege" is as pernicious as it is ubiquitous in our contemporary racial discourse. It's pernicious because it instils feelings of guilt in people who have nothing to feel guilty about, it fosters both white paternalism and black resentment, it drives yet another psycho-social wedge between the races, and it rationalizes black failure, frustration and resignation by implying that the deck is so stacked against blacks that their failures are understandable and excusable.

Any idea that entails those outcomes surely is reprehensible.

Jordan Peterson and Brandon Tatum combine to rebuke and refute the conventional liberal assumption that whites need to own up to their privilege in this Prager U. video in which Peterson is taped responding to a question from a member of a live audience. His segment lasts for 1:43, and is followed by Tatum's segment beginning at the 1:44 mark. 

Peterson is always interesting, but the five minutes or so of Tatum's critique of "white privilege" is especially good.

Check it out: