
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Wokesters and Racists

In an amusing way this short video makes a good point: Progressive wokesters and white racists really hold the same set of beliefs.

That would be disturbing news to both groups, but what other conclusion can one draw when we read, for instance, that the Smithsonian has declared on their "whiteness" page that “Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.”

The “teaching tool” suggests that “whiteness” needs to be overthrown in order for non-white people to become liberated from an oppressive “white culture.”

How can one recognise this nefarious "whiteness" in the culture? An infographic - subsequently taken down by the Smithsonian, but which can still be seen at the above link - lists the characteristics of  white culture that make it so difficult for minority groups to get ahead.

Many of the traits are ridiculous, but for what it's worth they include placing a high value on the following: the nuclear family, capitalism, Christianity, science, objective and rational thinking, delayed gratification, standard English, punctuality, hard work, being future-oriented, self-reliance, politeness, respect for authority, and more.

Blacks and other minorities can't be expected to advance themselves in a white-dominated culture, the implication is, because members of those other races don't value these traits nor can they be expected to. 

Apparently the wokesters at the Smithsonian believe that blacks and Asians are not logical thinkers, don't value two parent families, economic success, being able to speak good English when the circumstances require it, respecting those in authority, working hard, being on time, being polite nor do they see any point to delaying gratification to achieve future success.

I can't think of anything more stereotypical and more racist than tacitly imputing those characteristics to blacks and others, but that's what the Smithsonian progressives evidently have done. They believe about minority groups the same things that many white racists believe about them which is exactly the point in the above-mentioned video. 

You should watch it. It'll make you laugh.