
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Three Things to Think about Before You Vote

We've all heard, probably more than once, that Tuesday's election may be the most consequential election of our lifetimes. I don't think that that's an exaggeration, but whether it is or isn't, I doubt that there are many who will vote on Tuesday who are still undecided as to whom they'll cast their ballot for.

Indeed, almost 70 million voters have already decided and have taken advantage of early voting to express their support for their favored candidates.

Nevertheless, for those who haven't yet voted here's a short (less than 3 minutes) video from Dennis Prager that might be helpful. It's titled Three Things to Think about Before You Vote:
Also, I'd like to take the liberty to recommend a couple of previous VP posts that might be helpful. This one explains the differences between the various political ideologies such as conservatives and progressives, a matter which many find confusing and which, hopefully, this post will clarify.

This post, on the other hand, explains why I'm voting the way I am.