
Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Jason Whitlock, a black journalist, compares Black Lives Matter to the KKK:
It's my belief that the KKK and BLM share the same intent. They use race, intimidation, violence, and property destruction to achieve political goals on behalf of the Democratic Party.

The Ku Klux Klan was founded on Christmas Eve 1865 by Confederate soldiers dedicated to undermining the racial progress sparked by the Civil War and Emancipation Proclamation. "The KKK engaged in terrorist raids against African Americans and white Republicans at night, employing intimidation, destruction of property, assault, and murder to achieve its aims and influence upcoming elections," according to

Here's a link to a summation of the KKK's history.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests have primarily terrorized and destroyed property in black communities at night. BLM and Antifa have attempted to intimidate white Republicans. BLM protests have been violent and caused the assassination of law enforcement officers and other citizens. BLM is a cleverly marketed slogan that provides cover for extremists to undermine racial progress and bully American citizens to support Democrat politicians. It's not a coincidence that BLM riots pick up during an election cycle and disappear after the votes have been counted.

BLM, founded by self-described trained Marxists, has a stated goal of disrupting Western Civilization traditions and values.... Despite the sweet-sounding name, BLM acts as a racial divider — no different from the KKK.

I was reading a book on the 19th century Indian wars in the American west and couldn't help sympathize with the Native Americans who saw their land being flooded by white immigrants who drained their resources and forever altered their culture. Had I been one of them I would've felt the same way they did.

But then I wondered why folks on the left would think that what the white man did by colonizing the Indian territories was a terrible crime. After all, these are the same folks, many of them, who favor open borders, unlimited immigration and government benefits for illegal immigrants. Why think open borders and mass immigration were deplorable when the white man imposed them on Native Americans and be all in favor of it when others do it today? What am I missing?


Most Christians believe that we have a moral duty to prioritize the weak and the powerless, that we should take strong measures to aid and protect those among us who cannot defend themselves, and that we should speak on behalf of those who have no voice in our politics.

So why did so many Christians vote in the last election to put a man and a party in power who support the killing of unborn babies right up to the time of birth, and, even, in some cases, after the baby has actually been delivered?

No one is weaker, less powerful and more vulnerable than an unborn baby, yet we kill over a million of them each year. We may think that there's not much that we as individuals can do about it, but we certainly don't have to vote for those who, so far from condemning this national tragedy, consider it something to be subsidized and promoted.

That so many Christians nevertheless voted in November to perpetuate this state of affairs is something of a head-scratcher.