
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Double Standards, Etc.

The editors at National Review write concerning the Afghanistan debacle that,
It is bizarre that weeks into this crisis, no U.S. official has spoken harshly of the Taliban. Instead, it’s all hopefulness about the group turning over a new leaf. [Secretary of State] Blinken noted the Taliban’s commitment to prevent terrorist groups from using Afghanistan as a base, even though the Taliban have been in violation of their commitment to separate from al-Qaeda since the time they made it.
The liberal media is either silent about the administration's attitude toward the Taliban or they're puzzled, but they're far from being critical.

Which is strange since this is the same media that pummeled Trump for talking nice about North Korea's Kim Jung Un and Vladimir Putin. Surely the Taliban are as odious as Kim and more so than Putin.

It seems that the media standard for good and bad behavior is not what people do but who it is who does it. A Republican and a Democrat can perform the identical act and the Republican merits criticism and condemnation while the Democrat merits either silence, "understanding" or even praise.

Why is that?


What was it that kept the thousands of desperate Afghans from pouring into the Kabul airport during the evacuation? Apparently it was in part a wall.

This is surprising since we were frequently informed during the Trump presidency that it's pointless to build a wall on our southern border to keep out the hordes of people who want to flood into the country because walls don't work.

Greece is building a wall to keep out refugees from Afghanistan and Hungary already has one which is working well. Israel built a wall to keep out Palestinian terrorists and it's been quite effective.

Whoever thinks walls don't work to keep people out (or in, as in the case of the awful Berlin wall) evidently hasn't thought about the matter very deeply.


When a white cop shoots and kills an unarmed black person, especially if the victim is a woman, we undergo a season of national convulsion, trauma and introspection, but when a black cop shoots and kills an unarmed white woman the cop's identity is withheld, the media shows little to no interest, there are no protests, and the cop is quietly exonerated. Why the difference?

This is precisely what happened in the case of the shooting of Ashli Babbitt by a black Capitol police officer named Michael Byrd on January 6th.

Had Babbitt been black and the policeman white would the reaction of the media and the findings of the investigation have been the same? Would the investigation, including body cam footage as well as the officer's name have been kept secret from the public?

As it was, the media yawned, "anti-racism" activists and agitators busied themselves elsewhere, and the nation went about its business almost as if nothing happened. Why?

Why are we outraged, as in many cases we should be, at the death of unarmed blacks at the hands of white cops but serenely unconcerned when the races are reversed? Why are there no street murals of Ashli Babbitt? No demands to "Say her name"? No protests demanding justice for Ashli and the arrest of Officer Byrd?

One reason that Donald Trump was elected in 2016 and received more votes in 2020 than any candidate in history except Joe Biden is because people are frustrated and angry with media double standards. To the extent that we are a divided nation it's to no small extent because much of the media has chosen to adopt the same role as the media played in the old Soviet Union, serving as a propaganda arm for one political party.