
Saturday, October 23, 2021

Random Reflections

Here are a few questions and reflections on the absurdities our politicians and others are inflicting upon us during these crazy times:
  • Carl Trueman at First Things observes that in 2018 police actions resulted in the deaths of less than 300 African Americans. That same year 117,000 African American babies were killed in utero. So where's the outrage?
  • Also at First Things Liel Leibovitz notes that it's very odd that, according to progressives, "gender - [which is] literally coded into every cell of our body - is fluid, while race - a complicated concept made endlessly porous by intermarriage - is rigidly fixed."
  • A question on the minds of many is why some of the same people (Joe Biden, Kamala Harris) who stoutly declared that they'd refuse any vaccine developed under the Trump administration are now mandating that everyone get the same vaccine that was developed under the Trump administration or lose their job.
  • Jim Geraghty at National Review asks why it is safe for people to go to sporting events surrounded by tens of thousands of people who are all maskless, but kindergarteners who are at very low risk of getting seriously ill from covid still need to be masked all day long.
  • Many folks have wondered why it is that when it comes to aborting a child in the womb the refrain has long been "My Body, My Choice," but when it comes to being injected with a vaccine against one's will it's either get vaxxed or get fired.
  • Progressives frequently admonish the rest of us to "follow the science." Well, the science is clear that what's being destroyed in an abortion is a living human being, yet on this issue the left insists that we abandon the science altogether.
  • The satirical Babylon Bee skewers the leaders of the city of San Francisco with a piece that states that the city administration is planning to require proof of vaccination before the homeless can poop on the sidewalks.
  • They were thinking about also requiring proof of vaccination before anyone would be allowed to shoplift at Walgreens but thought that might place an undue burden on the shoplifters.
The problem with trying to satirize our cultural elites is that most of us wouldn't be surprised to learn that the Bee's satire is actually true.