
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Beauty of American Freedom

The last couple of days the theme here at Viewpoint has been freedom, especially freedom of speech. I urge you to watch this video featuring a young North Korean woman who managed to escape from North Korea.

Listen to her description of the hellish country in which she was born, the further hell she had to endure in China in order to get to the West, and the appreciation she has for the United States. Listen, too, to her criticism of the progressive left which seeks to turn the U.S. into a replica of the countries - North korea and China - from which she managed to free herself.

Her name is Yeonmi Park, she's amazingly well-educated and articulate, especially considering that most, if not all, of her education came after she escaped the concentration camp that is North Korea.

She tells her story in an eleven minute video that you can find only at the above link to Prager U. It's not on YouTube, and if there's a way to embed it in a VP post, I haven't found it yet.

Anyway, Ms. Park does a marvelous job of expressing the beauty of the American people, a beauty we Americans often consider to be a matter of course. If you watch her tell her story I promise you you'll be glad you did.