
Friday, April 8, 2022

Michael Behe and the Secrets of the Cell

One of the most well-known figures in the Intelligent Design movement is a Lehigh University biochemist named Michael Behe. Behe is famous for his books Darwin's Black Box, The Edge of Evolution and Darwin Devolves, all three of which have contributed powerful critiques of the naturalistic Darwinian orthodoxy that reigns in our universities and popular media.

Intelligent Design is the notion that however life and the universe came to be, they both show exceedingly strong indications that they were designed by an intelligent agent or mind.

His critics have tried with very little, if any, success to undermine his arguments, and, to their chagrin, time and advancing scientific discoveries keep confirming his ideas and those of a growing number of philosophers and scientists who agree with him.

Behe's focus has been on the evidence for intentional design found in the living cell, and he's featured in a series of five short videos on this topic, geared to the layperson, titled Secrets of the Cell.

The videos are very well done, and since I've been so impressed with Behe's work over the years, I thought it might be good to show the series here on Viewpoint.

The introductory episode is below. The others will follow over the next few days: