
Friday, May 20, 2022

Admit it, You're a Racist

Are you a white supremacist? According to something called the white supremacy pyramid employed by some "anti-racist" speakers you really can't help but be. Note that the pyramid is divided into examples of "Overt White Supremacy" and "Covert White Supremacy."

According to "anti-racists" white supremacy, whether overt or covert, is an expression of racism so if any of the views or opinions anywhere on this pyramid describe you, you are a racist white supremacist.

No one would disagree, of course, with those attitudes depicted as overt white supremacy. They're all harmful and most of them are evil and deserve condemnation. The problem for the anti-racist crowd is that they're so rare that if they were the only manifestations of racism in this country it'd have to be acknowledged that America had pretty much resolved its racial problem.

To avoid thinking that the problem has been largely resolved, to keep racial animus alive and perpetuate the idea that white America still owes black America, the anti-racists espy covert racism almost everywhere. This, we're assured, is the real racism that saturates American life and with which black people have to deal every day.

Here's the pyramid:
It's hard to know exactly what some of these things mean, but in any case notice that,
  • if you try to look past a person's race (colorblindness) and treat everyone as a human being and child of God, you're a racist. By this measure embracing Martin Luther King's dream of a day when his children would be judged by their character and not their skin color is racist, and so was King for dreaming it.
  • if you believe that our culture was derived primarily from the intellectual resources we inherited from Europe and that this inheritance has made this country the freest, most prosperous country in history and that this heritage should be taught to our children, you're a racist.
  • if you were, or are, a Trump supporter who believes that America has wandered away from the institutions and values - like strong two-parent families, Judeo-Christian morality, the belief that hard work tends to be rewarded - that make a nation strong and resilient, you're a racist.
  • if you believe that all lives are equally valuable in the eyes of God, you're a racist. But if you believe that God values some lives, based on race, more highly than others then you're also a racist.
  • if you believe that many blacks need white help (paternalism) either through transfer payments, donations, affirmative action, or other kinds of support in order to help them become self-reliant, you're a racist. But if you believe blacks shouldn't be given this kind of support you're also a racist.
  • if you adopt for yourself aspects of what might be called "black culture" (cultural appropriation) you're a racist. This only works one way, though, since virtually everything that blacks use, enjoy and benefit from throughout their lives is a product of white "European" culture. Of course, if you were to refuse to adopt or appreciate something because its a product of black culture, that, too, would be racist.
  • if you believe that we should control our borders and regulate who immigrates into the country, you're a racist.
  • if you believe you're not a racist then you are a racist, and if you believe you are a racist then, of course, you are a racist.
  • if you believe that black people can be as racist as anyone else then you're a racist. If, on the other hand, you believe that black people cannot be racist then you believe they're morally superior to every other race and that's also racist.
In other words, no matter how hard you may try to expunge your soul of the ugly stain of racism, if you're white it's ineradicable and the purging project is hopeless. But if that's the case where does it lead?

If whites cannot help but be racist might not a lot of them conclude that if no matter what they do they're going to be hectored about their white privilege, their white supremacy and their intrinsic moral failure, they may as well stop trying to treat everyone equally and just stick to people like themselves, racially balkanize, resegregate, and let each race take care of their own?

Resegregation might make the anti-racist crowd happy for a while, but it certainly wouldn't work out to the well-being of the vast majority of blacks who've benefited from having integrated into white society.

I guess to think that, though, is paternalism, and that, according to the pyramid, is also racist.