
Tuesday, August 30, 2022

No Plan, No Clue

People are being hurt by the decisions being made in Washington and it needs to be pointed out how unnecessary and poorly thought-out some, if not many, of those decisions are. The student loan bailout is an example.

Axios tells us that,
The implementation of President Biden's widespread, income-targeted student loan forgiveness is shaping up to be a bureaucratic challenge for the Department of Education.

The agency doesn't have income data for most of the 43 million Americans eligible for forgiveness, meaning around 35 million people — including Pell Grant recipients — will have to attest that they makes less than $125,000 per year and apply for relief.

The White House doesn't know exactly how many eligible borrowers will actually end up applying for loan forgiveness — or how much it will cost.

The Education Department hasn't yet released the website where people can apply for loan forgiveness by attesting that they meet the income requirement — and it's still unclear when that will be released.

More importantly: When will borrowers actually see the relief? "That's the million-dollar question," Education Secretary Miguel Cardona told NPR Wednesday. "It's really important that folks know that we're also improving a system that was broken and that was antiquated," he added.

How it'll work: The approximately 8 million qualifying borrowers for whom the agency already has income information will get automatic debt relief. For everyone else: The White House is asking them to sign up for updates from the Education Department to receive further info on how to apply.

But, but, but: Experts caution that the agency may not be equipped to accomplish such a massive undertaking. "It's an understaffed and overcommitted organization," Charlie Eaton, a UC Merced associate professor of sociology and student loan expert, tells Axios.

The rub: The Biden administration says the loan payment moratorium will end in January — and for that to happen "it's going to be really important borrowers have actually had a chance to declare their eligibility for loan forgiveness," Eaton says.

"Even if borrowers complete online attestations of their income and the online system works, the loan servicers will then need adequate time to adjust every borrower's balance and new payment levels," he adds.

Education Department officials didn't respond to requests for comment.

Meanwhile: Some Americans simply won't engage with the government website — and they may slip through the cracks and never get the relief they're entitled to, says Bryce McKibben, former senior policy adviser to Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

"It should be a relatively simple application, but that doesn't mean people won't struggle with it," said McKibben, who is now senior director of policy & advocacy with the Hope Center at Temple University.

"It is probably going to take years to fully process all of the cancellations for every single person who's eligible ... and even then, we will still miss some people," he added.

The looming onslaught of relief applicants comes as the agency is also tasked with implementing the $32 billion in targeted loan discharges it previously announced. Those include programs for borrowers who were defrauded by their colleges, borrowers with disabilities and public servants, in addition to the income-driven repayment programs.

The bottom line: "It's just a massive amount of change and stress on the student loan system all happening at once," says McKibben.
In addition to all this, it's extremely doubtful that Mr. Biden has the constitutional authority to decree that the government will pay students' loans for them. Only the legislature can do this, so a court challenge will introduce a lot of uncertainty into the system since people working on the loans won't know if all their work will be overturned by the courts.

The Wharton School of Business calculates that the loan bailout could cost as much as $1 trillion and cost each taxpayer - including those who never went to college, or who worked their way through college to graduate debt-free, or who incurred debt which they conscientiously paid off - approximately $2000.

It's especially galling to many of these taxpayers who make less than six figures that debtors whose family income is as high as $250,000 are eligible to have their loans paid for by much less affluent taxpayers as illustrated by this television ad from the American Action Network:
As one meme making the rounds on the internet has it: "If your college degree doesn't have enough value for you to pay it off, it certainly doesn't have enough value for me to pay it off." It's also frustrating to read that President Biden was advised against his plan by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen but yielded to the lobbying efforts of his vice-president Kamala Harris and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

He ignored the advice of an advisor who understands the financial complexities involved in what he's doing and listened to two people who have no expertise at all in economics.

In other words, Mr. Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness plan is in some ways the domestic policy equivalent of his impetuous and disastrous Afghanistan pullout.