
Friday, February 17, 2023

No Warming in Eight Years

This article is interesting, especially given the exceptionally warm winter we seem to be enjoying in the Middle Atlantic states in the U.S.

The article claims that recently published data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that there has been no global warming for the past eight years.

This data set has been confirmed by NASA satellite data which shows no global warming for eight years and five months. This is not what we'd expect given all the talk of impending climate catastrophe, but if the planet is warming the upward temperature trend has apparently hit an extended lull.

The article goes on to point out that,
Recently published evidence also showed that there was actually a near-record low of major hurricanes in 2022, indicating that weather isn’t getting progressively and exponentially worse globally, despite the climate frenzy of the media and governments.

And the Northeast (though not, I hasten to interject, Pennsylvania) is currently experiencing record cold in a harsh winter, with Mt. Washington, N.H., yesterday dropping to -45.5 degrees Fahrenheit and -107 degree wind chill.
It's not wise, of course, to draw long term conclusions from less than a decades-worth of data, but still, if the numbers were gradually climbing the media would surely be extrapolating from the trajectory imminent doom for the planet.

Maybe we are doomed, but it's hard to draw that conclusion from the temperature data NOAA is publishing.