
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Mind Or Mindlessness

One of the many strengths of the concept of intelligent design is that it's a superior explanation to Darwinian naturalism for the existence of information in the cells of living organisms.

A software program or a textbook is loaded with information, but no one would think that the information came to be there by some sort of random shuffling of symbols. Rather, information is a product of intelligent minds - not mindless, impersonal forces - and the biosphere is shot full of it.

Information is especially prominent in the tiny protein machines that mediate and choreograph many of the cell's functions. When we watch a video, such as the one below, that uses animation to illustrate how just a few of these machines work, we have to ask ourselves how blind chance could've produced them.

How, before there were any reproducing cells and thus no natural selection, could these machines have evolved? How, before the information coded in DNA ever existed, could these machines have arisen since that information is necessary to create them? And how, before these machines appeared in living cells, could DNA have created them since DNA needs these machines to do what it does?

It would seem that both the information-rich DNA as well as the entire suite of molecular machines necessary for DNA to function must've all arisen simultaneously, but to believe that this actually happened requires an enormous exertion of blind faith in the capacities of blind chance.

Watch the video and see what you think: