
Friday, August 11, 2023


News that the House Oversight Committee has discovered that Hunter Biden received some $20 million dollars from Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs for doing nothing while his father was vice-president gives new meaning to the term "Bidenomics."

Incredibly, some in the media are still insisting that there's no proof that any of this money benefited Joe Biden in any way. These folks could look at the sky on a clear day and still not see the sun.

Democrats have been at pains to demand that conservative Supreme Court justices are culpable of failing to avoid the very appearance of impropriety by taking trips with wealthy supporters, but they're twisting themselves into knots to convince us that, although Hunter's conduct is regrettable, his father has been beyond reproach.

Set aside the testimony of Hunter's business associate Tony Bobulinski that Joe was getting a cut of the take, set aside the millions of dollars of income on Joe's 2017 tax returns whose provenience is questionable, set aside Hunter's own claims on his laptop that he was contributing to his father's support, the fact is that it's delusional to think that the people paying Hunter millions of dollars were doing it because they thought Joe's crack-addled son was such a good guy. They expected access to Joe himself and were getting it through Hunter.

In other words, the vice-president of the United States appears at the very least to have been colluding with his son in a massive bribery operation.

Anyone who wishes to pooh-pooh this and claim that this is jumping to unwarranted conclusions need only ask him or herself whether they'd have the same response were the people involved named Donald Trump and his son Don, Jr.