
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

A Very Sick Society

Hamas murders children killing forty babies, in one town alone, beheading some of them. They slaughter whole families, burning many of them alive. They rape women, mutilate corpses, torture captives and Black Lives Matter chapters in several major cities .... celebrates:
On Instagram, Black Lives Matter Los Angeles also joined in the celebration, insisting that Hamas’ “resistance must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense.”

“We, too, understand what it means to be surveilled, dehumanized, property seized, families separated, our people criminalized and slaughtered with impunity, locked up in droves and when we resist they call us terrorist,” continued the chapter.
Campuses plan pro-Palestinian demonstrations:
We witness a historic win for the Palestinian resistance: across land, air, and sea, our people have broken down the artificial barriers of the Zionist entity, taking with it the facade of an impenetrable settler colony and reminding each of us that total return and liberation to Palestine is near. As the Palestinian student movement, we have an unshakable responsibility to join the call for mass mobilization.
Thirty Harvard student groups published a letter supporting Hamas and blaming Israel for the atrocities committed by Hamas.

These people are moral pygmies, moral illiterates, but tragically that's what one must expect in a society that has thrown away its moral compass. A postmodern culture that denies the existence of objective truth, a culture in which people actually believe that everyone has their own truth, that what's right is whatever feels right to them, is a culture that can't help but suffer from moral vertigo.

Lacking any objective standard of right and wrong we find ourselves in a culture in which people actually praise, celebrate and support the beheading of babies, the rape of women, the cold-blooded murder of the elderly, and the burning of families alive.

It pains me to say it, but it's a very sick society in which so many people who think this is praiseworthy are to be found.