
Friday, July 26, 2024

Kamala Harris' Radicalism

Kamala Harris will be the Democratic nominee for president after their August convention, so what are her views and positions on the issues? According to a putatively non-partisan political site called GovTrack she was the leftmost senator in 2019, even to the left of Bernie Sanders. She was also the most partisan senator as this chart shows:
Since it's no longer politically acceptable to criticize Ms. Harris, GovTrack has purged this article from their website.

According to various other sources, Harris has gone on record as being in favor of decriminalizing illegal border crossings and abolishing ICE, killing the Senate's legislative filibuster, passing the Green New Deal, banning fracking, imposing racial reparations, siding with Palestinian terrorists instead of our ally Israel, confiscating legally owned firearms through a mandatory buyback program, eliminating private health insurance and implementing Medicare for All.

This ad by Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dave McCormick's campaign targeting his opponent Bob Casey, sums up Harris' political convictions pretty well:
There are other concerns as well.
As Attorney General, Harris ignored an accusation and lawsuit alleging sexual harassment by a top aide in her office. That complaint involved “gender harassment” perpetrated against her aide’s former executive assistant, along with allegations that she was forced into “demeaning behavior.”

The case ultimately led to a $400,000 settlement and the resignation of that aide who had been described as one of Harris’s closest professional confidantes. The then-AG feigned ignorance of the whole accusation and lawsuit despite it being reported years earlier.

Only an inept prosecutor would completely miss a harassment case in her own office.

In 2006, she granted probation to a man who went on to murder two people. At the height of the 2020 race riots, Harris encouraged people to contribute to a bail fund to free violent rioters. One of those freed ended up being charged with murder.

She continues to raise money for that bail fund.... and has been a vocal supporter of defunding the police.

She supported the movement and said we need to "reimagine" public safety, even applauding the Los Angeles Mayor for slashing police funding by $150 million as the riots were ongoing.
Ann Coulter, not at all a Trump fan, has penned a devastating piece on Harris's time as prosecutor and Attorney General, and there's more on Harris' radical ideology to be found here.

No doubt more information on her background will be forthcoming in the weeks ahead, but voters should be aware that Ms. Harris is easily the most radical left-wing politician ever to have such a good chance of becoming our president. Unfortunately, none of the above criticisms of her record will matter to many of her Democratic supporters who care only about two things: Ms. Harris is ardently pro-abortion and she's not Donald Trump. Little else is important to a substantial segment of our voting population.