
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Amazing Migrant

One of the more remarkable migrations in the animal kingdom is that undertaken by a small bird which breeds in and close to the arctic circle. The following is a quote from the introduction to the short video which follows it:
Every year, the Arctic tern (a bird weighing less than five ounces) completes one of the greatest journeys in the animal kingdom. In their constant search for daylight, moderate temperatures and small fish on which to feed, the terns literally follow the sun from the North Pole to Antarctica, and back again.

Their migrations can extend more than 50,000 miles, and the biological systems that make this odyssey possible offer spectacular displays of intelligent design and purpose in the living world.
The video is as fascinating as it is lovely:
Whether the migrating creature is the salmon, the monarch butterfly, the leatherback tortoise, or just the millions of songbirds that make an annual round trip between northern and southern hemispheres, how such a phenomenon could've arisen by purely natural processes is a profound mystery. The mystery is much diminished, however, if the phenomenon was engineered by a Mind.