
Monday, January 17, 2005

New Year's Wishes

It's a little late, but we wanted to bring this column by Dennis Prager to your attention. Prager lists seven wishes he has for the new year, and we agree with all of them. Especially wishes 2 and 6:

Wish No. 2: The ACLU will create a leftist Boy Scouts. The ACLU and other leftist groups are highly accomplished at destroying good institutions such as the Boy Scouts. But they rarely build good institutions. So instead of trying to destroy the Boy Scouts -- because the Scouts require its members to make an oath to God and country and because the Scouts believe that boys and men who publicly announce they are sexually attracted only to males should not be Scouts -- the ACLU should build something for boys in the image of its values.

Since it is so easy to destroy, dear leftists, why not try to build? Start perhaps with a Progressive Boy Scouts that will have no oaths to God and will welcome all males who announce they are homosexual. Then one day we will see which Boy Scouts produces better people.

Quick. Name one organization begun specifically by atheists, and which incorporates atheism into its mission, that's doing any good anywhere in the world ....We couldn't either.

Wish No. 6: All those who drive in the left lane slower than drivers in the other lanes will be given fines and threatened with long prison sentences, perhaps even capital punishment.

There are things Americans can learn from Europe -- perhaps the most significant is how to drive properly. In Europe, driving schools apparently teach something that seems to be ignored in American driver's education -- that the left lane is for passing other cars, not for passing time.

Why do people do this? Why do they pull into the left lane and then drive at the same speed as the traffic in the right lane? It's very irritating, and there needs to be a study done on it. We suspect that being on the left dulls one's ability to think about what one is doing, but all we have is anecdotal evidence, culled mostly from blue states.