
Sunday, February 13, 2005

A Victory for One World Government

From the link:

This accord would constitute the most egregious transfer of American sovereignty, wealth and power to the U.N. since the founding of that 'world body.' In fact, never before in the history of the world has any nation voluntarily engaged in such a sweeping transfer to anyone.


The first "Battle over the LOST" was in 1982 when President Ronald Reagan flatly rejected the treaty because it undercut American sovereignty. LOST II was in the mid-1990s. In 1994, then-U.N. Ambassador Madeleine Albright signed a supposedly amended version of the treaty and President Clinton sent it to the Senate for the constitutionally mandated advise and consent. Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., who headed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was able to keep the treaty in a state of suspension.

Unfortunately, true American patriots like Ronald Reagan and Jesse Helms are no longer in a position to defend the sovereignty of the United States and it seems the inmates have taken over the asylum. Today, we find ourselves left with leaders of far lesser stature who are apparently totally lacking and clueless when it comes to the qualities of statesmanship and patriotism.

I can recall a speech Jesse Helms gave to the U.N. where he told them in no uncertain terms to keep there hands off of U.S. sovereignty. He left no doubt that the America would not stand for a U.N. power grab. The then Secretary of State, Madeline Albright followed up immediately with a communication to the U.N. that "Senator Helms doesn't necessarily speak for the American people".

Now it appears President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind have picked up the ball determined to score a touchdown for the U.N.

Isn't it odd that relinquishing American sovereignty is not considered a treasonable offense?