
Friday, September 2, 2005

Playing Politics With Tragedy

PowerLine is one good place to go for sanity in the midst of the criticism of the federal government for a seemingly slow response to the needs of the hurricane victims. Whatever blame is merited for the problems being experienced there must be shouldered by the local and state government whose responsibility it is to provide the planning and resources for the immediate aftermath of a disaster. The attempt to blame Bush for the delay in the delivery of rescue, security, food and shelter is driven not by any objective facts on the ground but purely by the desire to gain political advantage. It's shameful.

Yahoo has a photo of a school bus parking lot filled with school buses up to their axles in water. While New Orleans' mayor Ray Nagin rants about the need for buses to move people and the lack of state and federal help these school buses were sitting in the lot since before the storm.

Michelle Malkin also has some good stuff on events in the Gulf region.

Anyone who would like to contribute to the recovery effort can do so at the Red Cross site here.