
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Promises and Politics

It's not often that I have occasion to commend Chris Matthews, but he's outstanding in this video clip. President Obama promised that he would eliminate earmarks from appropriations bills and the first chance he has to keep his promise, he doesn't. Over $410 billion of pork barrel spending, much of it from Republican congressmen to be sure, lard up the bill soon to be on his desk and all indications are that he'll sign it.

As a side note, if you'd like an example of what people mean when they say that reporters are "in the tank" for Obama, just watch how the two guests on Matthews' show struggle to justify Obama's failure to do what he promised to do.

Surely the reason Obama won't veto this bill, a veto that would make him enormously popular with the people, is that he doesn't want to offend Democrat congresspersons whose votes he's going to need down the road to implement more of his agenda. If so, it's politics as usual from the one who promised us Hope and Change and no more earmarks.