
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Other Hockey Stick

The Washington Post's Ezra Klein posts a graph that illustrates how the national debt has exploded in the last several years and impresses upon us the imminent disaster that's looming ahead.

Klein notes that the colors showing control of the House of Representatives seem to be backwards, but that doesn't diminish the frightening significance of the data.

One wonders why those who oppose spending cuts in Washington aren't terrified out of their wits by this chart. After all, a similar "hockey stick" pattern of global temperatures has precipitated near panic and cries among liberals to take immediate remedial action to save us from impending disaster, so why doesn't this?

If Democrats are prepared to raise gas prices to discourage carbon consumption because they fear carbon dioxide is causing global temperatures to rise out of control - a fear that may well be unfounded - why are they not atremble over the data depicted in this graph? The threat it poses to our national survival is far more obvious and urgent than is the data on global warming.

Why are Democrats not demanding that we cut government programs immediately and severely in order to rein in spending? Why does President Obama insist on a carbon cap but not a cap on our bloated budget? Why does he allow fear of global warming and runaway greenhouse gasses keep us from drilling for American oil, but seems to have no qualms at all about the runaway spending that's leading us to the brink of a global economic collapse that could visit enormous calamity upon the world and far sooner than would climate change?

Thanks to Bill for passing along the link.