
Thursday, May 3, 2018

Four (Relatively) Short Questions

1. Why does the left think that rivers and animals should have rights but unborn human beings don't?

2. If (and it's a big "if") North Korea actually rids itself of its nuclear weapons does the Nobel committee give the Peace Prize to a. China b. President Trump c. Barack Obama d. Kim Jung Un? My guess is that they find a way to justify giving it to Obama, or even to Kim Jung Un. They simply couldn't bear to give it to Trump no matter how much he might deserve it, and they'll contort themselves into a spaghetti-like tangle of rationalizations to find a reason to credit Obama or Kim in order to avoid bestowing it upon Trump. Heck, they may even abolish the prize rather than award it to the odious Donald.

3. The caravan of hundreds of Central Americans who claim to be seeking asylum from gang violence in their home countries has reached our southern border. Why, if what they really wanted was just to escape their homeland, did they not request asylum as soon as they crossed into Mexico?

4. Why is it an act of dastardly imperialistic cultural appropriation when someone of a majority race, ethnicity or subculture uses or wears something original to a minority race, ethnicity, or subculture like a Chinese prom dress or hoop earrings, but it's not cultural appropriation when anyone other than those of European descent use or wear, say, smart phones, computers, photocopiers, televisions, air conditioning, banks, credit cards, motor vehicles, airplanes, printed books, orchestral instruments, facebook, twitter, indoor plumbing, refrigeration, jeans, petroleum products, eye glasses, hospitals, magnetic resonance machines, x-ray machines, compact discs, hearing aids, fast food, basketballs, footballs, supermarkets and virtually everything else they use during the course of a day?

There's almost nothing that those who complain about cultural appropriation utilize which wasn't developed by white descendants of Europeans, including the megaphones they use to amplify their protests about cultural appropriation. Wouldn't you think they'd realize this?