
Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Eight Questions

One thing that the last couple of decades of watching the political machinations of the progressive left has taught us is not to expect consistency from them.

At the outset of WWII the left was a strong defender of Adolf Hitler's National Socialist party. Their support for Hitler was due entirely to their love for Stalin's communism. Stalin and Hitler were allies so the American left swooned over Hitler. Then Hitler invaded the U.S.S.R. and overnight the left became the mortal enemy of all things German.

Their fickle inconstancy has been the trademark of our progressive friends ever since. Here are a few questions raised by contemporary events that illustrate the point:

Why do progressives swear complete fealty to science when the issue is evolution or climate change but abandon or even reject biological science altogether when the topic is gender identity?

Why do progressives praise former president George H.W. Bush as a man of great accomplishment and decency now that he has passed, despite having slammed and mocked him when he was president and voting for a scandal-plagued serial adulterer instead of Bush in the 1992 election?

I don't wish to sound insensitive, but the question is hard to avoid: Is it the case for the left that the only good Republican is a dead Republican?

Why has the left condemned the Trump administration for using tear gas on migrants who were throwing rocks at the border police and charging the crossing, but said nothing when the Obama administration used tear gas against migrants an average of once a month during the last five years of Obama's presidency?

Why do progressive Democrats denounce as bigots those who hold views on illegal immigration and gay marriage similar to those held by progressive heroes like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama up until the day before yesterday?

Why do liberals tell us repeatedly that we have no right to judge the morals of other cultures and then express outrage when our government refrains from condemning Saudi Arabia for murdering a journalist?

Why do liberals denounce assaults on women but say little about the practice among some immigrant communities in this country of female genital mutilation which has victimized over 500,000 women?

Why would the left call it racist hate if white students were to demand that they be given public spaces on campus from which minority students were excluded, or refuse to allow black students to sit at their lunch table and have the university president actually defend them in a Washington Post editorial, but not if, as was actually the case, blacks were to do exactly the same thing vis a vis whites?

If progressives wish to have more credibility with people of common sense they need to be a lot more consistent in the positions they take. Otherwise, they just look like people who'll say anything in order to gain power and political advantage.