
Friday, March 1, 2019

Our Delinquent Media

Much of the American media would have us believe that anyone wearing a MAGA hat is a violent vulgarian. They certainly believe it themselves which is why they were so quick to swallow the Jussie Smollett allegations.

That a couple of white Trump supporters would attack a gay black man at 2:00 in the morning, tie a noose around his neck and tell him to stay out of "MAGA country" seemed totally plausible to these naifs who never paused to wonder why a couple of MAGA hat-wearing white thugs would be hanging around at 2:00 in the morning in a neighborhood populated mostly by gays and African Americans.

These folks and others had also been quick to cast the Covington Catholic kids as the villains in the episode in D.C. following the March for Life. After all, the boys matched all the liberal stereotypes and prejudices: They were white, male, MAGA hat-wearing Catholics. What more evidence that they were felonious reprobates was needed?

Well, it turns out the judgmental, self-righteous secular puritans were embarrassingly, humiliatingly, foolishly wrong in both cases so you would think that even they would have learned their lesson.

You'd think that when they were confronted with a case of brutal assault for which there is dispositive evidence they would seek to atone for their past buffoonery and demand that now, in this case, which also involves a MAGA hat-wearer, a case in which the video evidence clearly shows guilt and innocence, that justice be exacted and the vicious offender be vigorously prosecuted.

Except one can hardly find mention of this most recent case (it occured about a week ago) on any of the most reliably progressive news outlets. There's been almost total silence. What could possibly account for this seeming lack of interest in a case where a young man was seen on video being savagely attacked by another man, the identity of whom should be easy to establish?

Perhaps, it's because they see the thug as an ally, a conscientious progressive who took umbrage at the kid wearing a MAGA hat and understandably punched him in the face as condign punishment for being a Trump supporter. When thuggishness is perpetrated by people on the correct side of the issues the mainstream media has no difficulty finding other diversions to occupy their attention.

The apparent trigger of this goon's rage was the fact that the victim, a Berkeley student named Hayden Williams, was manning a table with a sign which read, "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," which is surely true, but the black-clad brute was so outraged by this truism, ironically enough, that he was provoked to commit a genuine hate crime.

Here's the video of the episode put together by Campus Reform. You're cautioned that there's a lot of vulgar language, and the violence is pretty sickening to watch.

I only post it by way of asking whether there's anything of which readers are aware that's been done deliberately by any Trump supporter that has matched this incident for sheer ugliness, or even come close, and also to tacitly ask what the media reaction would've been had the attacker been wearing the MAGA hat and the victim been a gay or African American student.
The police have identified the attacker, but as of this writing no arrest has been made. Why not? And why haven't they made public the man's identity? Perhaps we'll find out soon, but if so, it won't be because of any pressure from the apparatchiks in our media.