
Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Best Prepared Candidate?

In the following video segment Britain's Sky News reporter Rita Panahi raises questions about Joe Biden's fitness for the presidency, specifically with regard to his mental acuity.

It's deeply ironic that the Democrats who have for three years been questioning Donald Trump's mental health seem to have few qualms about Mr. Biden's apparent liabilities.

The last couple of minutes of this almost seven minute video are very sad to watch, and I certainly don't want readers to think that it's intended to make fun of Mr. Biden's difficulties, but this is the man that most Democrats would have voters believe is best prepared to lead America for the next four years. We need to ask whether that's really true.

How is it that a party which is obsessed with diversity and which so often pats itself on the back for being more "inclusive" than its Republican opposites, as well as for it's greater appeal to the young, nevertheless is offering up to the electorate two rich white men in their late 70s?

One of these men is a wealthy socialist, of all things, who recently suffered a heart attack, never has had a real job outside of politics and has never achieved anything of note within the political sphere beyond getting himself elected.

The other candidate is also a life-long politician who verbally abuses voters, has a reputation for pawing women and young girls, has allegedly embarrassed female secret service agents by skinny-dipping in their presence and who is now apparently suffering frequent bouts of cognitive confusion.

The Democrats have indulged their contempt for Donald Trump for almost four years, but what are they offering American voters as an alternative?