
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Best Information Storage System Ever

One of the marvels of DNA, the material in every nucleus in every cell in our bodies that carries the genetic instructions necessary for forming and maintaining our bodies, is the amazing compactification that allows so much of it to be stored.

There are six feet of DNA in every nucleus. Those nuclei are 40,000 times smaller than a pinhead - so small that they can only be seen with powerful microscopes and there are at least 3 trillion nucleated cells in the human body. This means that packed into every person are 18 trillion feet of DNA. That's an astonishing fact.

There's no information storage system designed by man that comes close to being able to store as much information in as small a space as can DNA.

Darwinian materialists assure us that blind, purposeless processes could have produced such a marvel, given enough time, although they have no idea how those processes ever managed to do what they claim they did.

Watch this video by the John 10:10 project to get a sense of how astounding DNA is.