
Thursday, October 6, 2022

Moral Evil

It's de rigeuer in fashionable circles nowadays to scoff at the use of the word "evil," at least when it's used in a moral sense. Our elites have no reluctance to employ the word as a description of corporations or their political foes, but they often roll their eyes when someone suggests that moral evil exists in individual people.

The aversion to this notion seems like a case of willful blindness, however, since the evidence is so overwhelming that many of our fellow human beings are indeed evil. In fact, "evil" doesn't seem a sdtrong enough word to describe muvch of what happens in this world.

The rape, torture and murder of Ukranian civilians by Russian troops is one obvious example, but there are many others. Consider the following statistics gleaned from several sources via Google:
  • In communist China, tens of thousands of Uyghur muslims are imprisoned in concentration camps, and there are credible reports that they're often executed in order to harvest their organs for sale on the black market. Sometimes the organs are taken while the victim is actually conscious.
  • Nearly 5900 Christians were killed for their faith in 2021. Thousands more were imprisoned or driven from their homes and jobs.
  • 126 million children worldwide are forced to work in hazardous conditions like mines or with dangerous chemicals or machinery.
  • At the end of last year, 28 million people were in forced labor and 22 million were living in a forced marriage. That means nearly one out of every 150 people in the world are caught up in modern forms of slavery. The number of people in forced labour or forced marriage ballooned by 10 million between 2016 and 2021.
  • 1.2 million children are trafficked each year.
  • 2 million children are forced into pornography or prostitution each year.
  • 5.7 million children are sold into debt bondage or other forms of slavery. Both girls and boys are frequently abused in these conditions.
These are just a few of the data points that could be cited, and these don't even include accounts coming from horrific torture chambers like North Korea. Even so, if these are not sufficient to demonstrate to someone the existence of moral evil then that person simply has no moral sensibility.

That, of course, is the definition of a psychopath.