
Monday, July 8, 2024

Random Thoughts

A couple of days ago I put up a post titled Truth and Mr. Biden. A friend liked it and put it on his Facebook page. It lasted 45 seconds before the censors took it down. I suppose I should be honored that I've joined a long list of worthies whose posts have been deemed unfit to be read by the exquisitely delicate psyches of some of those who frequent Facebook.

Anyway, if you missed the post you can read it at the link and perhaps re-post it on your own social media.

Meanwhile, here's part of a note I sent to another friend recently:
Well, if I'd have bet money a couple of months ago when I speculated that Biden wouldn't be the nominee come November I'd be feeling pretty good right now.

It was either a stunning lack of self-awareness or a symptom of deep-seated egomaniacism when Biden told George Stephanopoulis on Friday that he could accept a Trump victory as long as he knew he gave it his all. Does Biden really think, after the Dems have tried to convince us for eight years that Trump is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler, that the election is all about him? How could he sincerely think that Trump is Satan's spawn and still think that it'd be okay if Trump won as long as he gave a good effort? Doesn't he care about the country, for heaven's sake?

It was also amusing in a sad way that Mr. Biden claimed to be proud of being the first black female vice president. I suppose if Bill Clinton can be the first black president, Joe Biden can be the first black female vice president. We are what we feel we are after all.

There was a funny post on Twitter: "Last week liberals pretended to be shocked Biden is senile. This week they're pretending to be shocked Biden is a selfish, corrupt, pathological liar. What'll they be pretending about next week?"

Another writer pointed out that we now have an answer to the 2000 yr. old mystery as to when the Second Coming will arrive. Biden said that only if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells him to get out of the race will he do so. Well, that'll probably happen within about a week or so. I guess we should all get ready for the Lord's arrival.