
Monday, July 29, 2024

Three Things I'd Like to Have Explained

I'd like someone to explain to me why Democrats think it matters whether Donald Trump was struck by a bullet or a piece of shrapnel during what was clearly an assassination attempt in Butler, PA on July 13. The effort put in to arguing that he wasn't really struck by a bullet is incomprehensible to me.

Do the assassination skeptics think that if he was struck by a piece of shattered glass from an errant bullet that that would mean that the assassination attempt didn't really happen, that it was all a sham and that the other victims weren't actually harmed? Do they really believe that the attempt on Trump's life would somehow be negated if they could show that all the shots missed? What exactly do they think they will have proven if they can demonstrate that instead of being within millimeters of losing his life it was actually a matter of inches?

Here's another thing I'd like to have explained. The left has been beside themselves recently insisting that Kamala Harris was never really a "border czar." It's as if they think that if they can prove that she never really had the official title that therefore she was never really given the responsibility of "fixing" the border and thus had never failed in that job.

What does it matter what her title was? What matters is what her responsibilities were (and still are). She had all the responsibilities of a "czar" whether or not she had the actual title, and she did absolutely nothing to get the border under control so I'd like for someone to explain to me why they think it matters what her title was.

Finally, I'd like to have someone explain to me why both LGBTQ+ folks and feminists are protesting on behalf of Hamas Islamists. Don't they realize that they're aligning themselves with people who would kill LGBTQ+ individuals in an instant were they to wave their Pride flags in Gaza and would scoff at any feminist claim to equal rights with men? Indeed, Western feminists would find themselves in a real-life Handmaid's Tale were they to push their feminist agenda in any Islamic state, so what is their rationale for supporting Hamas barbarians against Israel - a state where women and gays do enjoy human rights?

Yet, like sheep campaigning to save wolves from extirpation, LGBTQ+ folks and feminists somehow think that they're impressing radical Islamists and gaining their favor by taking their side in the war against Israel. Maybe the sheep think this makes sense, but I need to have someone explain it to me. .