
Friday, July 5, 2024

Truth and Mr. Biden

One of the more amusing themes adopted by the Democrats in the wake of President Biden's dismal performance in last week's debate is the notion that despite his struggles that evening, at least Mr. Biden, unlike Mr. Trump, is a man of integrity who tells the truth.

That claim, which has appeared in a number of different variations, is humorous in its brazen dishonesty.

Shawn Fleetwood at The Federalist lists twenty different whoppers Mr. Biden foisted on the audience during the debate, few of which the Democrat damage control teams in the legacy media felt impelled to remark upon.

Townhall's Larry Elder explains that the Democrats strategy from here on out will be to,
Make sure Biden never again gets caught without a teleprompter and a speechwriter. Praise Harris and "put her out there more" so she can pick up the baton if Biden declines even more. Repeatedly chant "Abortion and our democracy are on the ballot."

And triple down on calling Trump a lying, election-denying, racist Nazi who "threatens our democracy."

They rely on the Democrats/media to ignore the strategy's defects and contradictions. As to Trump's so-called election denying/refusal to accept results, the Dems/media have consigned to the memory hole the time Biden preemptively questioned the results of the 2022 midterms.

At the time, most Democrats and Republicans expected a "red wave." Asked if he'd accept the results, Biden said: "It easily could be illegitimate. I'm not going to say it's going to be legit.... The increase of the prospect of it being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these (voting) reforms passed."
That sounds like it could've been lifted right out of a Trump campaign speech. Elder takes things a step further and considers Mr. Biden's asseverations that Mr. Trump is a liar whereas he is himself a slave to the truth. Elder demurs:
As to Biden's lies, they include, but are not limited to: how, why, and where his son Beau contracted brain cancer; that Biden desegregated movie theaters and restaurants; that he finished in the top half of his law school class; that he got arrested trying to visit Nelson Mandela during apartheid; was "raised in the black church"; played football for the University of Delaware; claimed the driver who accidentally struck and killed his first wife and daughter was drunk; intentionally misstating what Trump said about Charlottesville; that Trump said to drink/inject bleach; that Biden didn't pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma; that Biden never discussed son Hunter's business dealings; that a small kitchen fire "almost killed" his wife; that he was "shot at" in Iraq; that inflation was "9%" when he became president; the Border Patrol endorses him; the NAACP endorsed him in "all" of his elections; World War II's Uncle Bosie was eaten by cannibals; that "no one" advised him the Afghan government would quickly collapse and the Taliban would return if he abruptly pulled out of Afghanistan; that Trump referred to World War I American vets who lost their lives as "suckers and losers"; that Trump praised Hitler; among others.
Mr. Trump may play fast and loose with the truth, but Mr. Biden is almost in a class by himself. Whenever the president says, which he often does, "I give you my word as a Biden," it takes great effort to not spit out my coffee.

So, what about Mr. Trump's other moral failures?
Biden, during the debate, accused Trump of having "the morals of an alley cat" and that Trump's alleged affair with Stormy Daniels occurred "when (Trump's wife) was pregnant." Does Biden really want to go there?

The ex-husband of Jill Biden claims Biden met the married couple when they worked on his Senate campaign, and not on a "blind date" as Biden claims. Jill's ex says Jill cheated on him with Biden.

Biden ex-staffer Tara Reade claims the then-senator sexually assaulted her.

When this accusation surfaced during the 2020 campaign, as well as allegations by other women who accused Biden of unwanted touching and kissing, then-Sen. Kamala Harris said, "I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it."
The media were completely uncurious about the Reade allegations because Mr. Biden, as everyone knows, would never have done such a thing. He's not Donald Trump, after all.

Anyway, all this makes risible the claims that Joe Biden is a virtuous, moral straight-shooter who the public can count on to always tell them the truth. In fact, we can count on the truth neither from Mr. Biden nor from an obsequious legacy media which has misled and lied to us about him for at least four years.