Monday, October 14, 2024

Ackman's Reasons

In the recent edition of First Things Liel Leibovitz notes how absurd the debates at stake in today's culture would've seemed to people three decades ago. In a column titled "The Screwtape Election" Leibovitz writes:
As if the elevation of Kamala Harris, to the role of national savior wasn't enough, we gawk at our media in amazement and witness debate that, not very long ago, would've seemed patently absurd. Should a nation have borders? Should it keep convicted felons from ambling in whenever they please? Should males announce themselves to be female, saunter into the women's locker room at will, and compete freely in women's sports? Should we have a police force, and if so, should our cops be permitted to uphold law and order?

That these matters, once uncontested givens in public life, are hotly debated - rather than, say, bothersome hypotheticals in some agitated adjunct professor's introduction to political philosophy class - is all the proof we need that this is a grave moment for our republic.
The Democrats have moved so far to the left so quickly that they're losing many of their most rational adherents. One example is Democrat megadonor and investor Bill Ackman who has declared that he's seen enough from his party. Writing on Twitter/X he gives 33 reasons why he can no longer support the Democrats.

,Every voter inclined to vote for Democrats should read the whole list. I've only copied the first twelve here. He staes that he can no longer support the party to which he has donated multiple millions of dollars because their policies either would do, or already have done, the following:

(1) open the borders to millions of immigrants who were not screened for their risk to the country, dumping them into communities where the new immigrants overwhelm existing communities and the infrastructure to support the new entrants, at the expense of the historic residents,
(2) introduce economic policies and massively increase spending without regard to their impact on inflation and the consequences for low-income Americans and the increase in our deficit and national debt,
(3) withdraw from Afghanistan, abandoning our local partners and the civilians who worked alongside us in an unprepared, overnight withdrawal that led to American casualties and destroyed the lives of Afghani women and girls for generations, against the strong advice of our military leadership, and thereafter not showing appropriate respect for their loss at a memorial ceremony in their honor,
(4) introduce thousands of new and unnecessary regulations in light of the existing regulatory regime that interfere with our businesses’ ability to compete, restraining the development of desperately needed housing, infrastructure, and energy production with the associated inflationary effects,
(5) modify the bail system so that violent criminals are released without bail,
(6) destroy our street retailers and communities and promote lawlessness by making shoplifting (except above large thresholds) no longer a criminal offense,
(7) limit and/or attempt to limit or ban fracking and LNG so that U.S. energy costs increase substantially and the U.S. loses its energy independence,
(8) promote DEI ideologies that award jobs, awards, and university admissions on the basis of race, sexual identity and gender criteria, and teach our students and citizens that the world can only be understood as an unfair battle between oppressors and the oppressed, where the oppressors are only successful due to structural racism or a rigged system and the oppressed are simply victims of an unfair system and world,
(9) educate our elementary children that gender is fluid, something to be chosen by a child, and promote hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgeries to our youth without regard to the longer-term consequences to their mental and physical health, and allow biological boys and men to compete in girls and women's sports, depriving girls and women of scholarships, awards, and other opportunities that they would have rightly earned otherwise,
(10) encourage and celebrate massive protests and riots that lead to the burning and destruction of local retail and business establishments while at the same time requiring schools to be shuttered because of the risk of Covid-19 spreading during large gatherings,
(11) encourage and celebrate anti-American and anti-Israel protests and flag burning on campuses around the country with no consequences for the protesters who violate laws or university codes and policies,
(12) allow antisemitism to explode with no serious efforts from the administration to quell this hatred,

I think it's fair to say that the Democrats have given us only two reasons to vote for them: 1) They'd do what they can to get the Dobbs SCOTUS decision overturned, and 2) They're not Trump. Based on the last four years and based on what they've told us so far in the current campaign, voters have no reason to think that what we'd get from another Democrat administration isn't just more of what Ackman lists above plus his other 21 reasons.