Of all the people in the world who have done magnificent things for humanity in the past year Time couldn't find any to surpass Bill and Melinda Gates and Bono for their person of the year!? They announce their award with this silly bit of nonsense:
See Michelle Malkin for some worthy alternatives.
In addition to Malkin's suggestions we would have liked to have seen consideration given to our military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, Pope John Paul II, The Iraqi soldiers and police, George Bush, Condaleeza Rice, or the U.S. Coast Guard crews who rescued so many along the Gulf Coast after Katrina.
We don't wish to sound like we're disparaging the Gates' or Bono for the contributions they've made, but in terms of making an impact on the world in 2005, none of them, especially Melinda Gates, has done what any of the above have done. We think Time is just trivializing their award in an attempt to be politically correct and to avoid giving credit to either the Bush administration or anything remotely associated with it.