Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Hot Air's Jason Mattera conducts another on the spot interview, this time with congressional "corruptocrat" Charles Rangel the chairman of the House Ways and Means committee, which writes the tax laws for the nation. Congressman Rangel writes the laws the rest of us must follow but doesn't pay taxes himself, at least not all of them.

Mattera asks him why, and Rangel's response is interesting. Apparently he doesn't think it's a citizens' business how his tax dollars are being spent by our congressional kleptocracy:

See the link for more examples of Mattera's fine work.

While we're at it you might want to watch how citizens get treated by their aldermen in Chicago. Warning: R-rated language from the alderman:

See Michelle Malkin for an explanation of what's going on here.

By the way, in the spirit of "moral equivalency" I should say that Republicans probably act the same way toward their constituents - or at least I should say it if I could find any examples of it. As far as I know, however, there aren't any. Can anybody help me?