Monday, May 2, 2011

Re: Criminal Aliens

A couple of weeks ago we did a post titled Criminal Aliens which elicited this comment from Jason:
The inclusion of illegal alliens in our country impacts our society more than anyone realizes, and is a huge drain. For every illegal, there is a legitimate citizen paying extra for car insurance, extra taxes to pay for illegal's unpaid medical bills, extra taxes for additional legal system costs and on and on.

I am friends with a local police officer, who tells me that there policy for illegal alliens caught committing a non-violent misdemeanor is to turn them loose. His department won't even enforce justice on the illegals because it is too much of a burden on their department. I guess illegals are truly free in this country - no taxes, no responsibilities and no justice. No wonder everyone wants to come here.
Indeed, and a lot of politicians in both parties want the influx to continue - the Democrats because they hope that if they can win citizenship for the illegals they'll vote Democratic, and the Republicans because the immigrants form a pool of cheap labor. Both seem to me to be extremely short-sighted, but then political horizons often stretch only so far as the next election.