I say evolutionary prodigy because when "cis" or even lesbian women compete against bigger, stronger women who happen to possess all the male accoutrements, the unfortunate female competitors who lack those advantages don't stand much of a chance. Thus, in the world of sports where it's Darwinian survival of the fittest, individuals like Thomas are the future.
Well, except that in Darwinian terms the advantages have to be passed on to offspring, and although we're assured that transgenders like Thomas can indeed bear children, no one has as yet seen it happen.
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Lia Thomas |
I say no one has seen it happen, but now that I think about it there was a case recently where something almost like it seems to have happened.
The case involved a 27 year-old prison inmate named Demi Minor serving a 30 year sentence for manslaughter who insisted that he was a she and should be incarcerated in a woman's prison. This demand was granted, and while housed amidst a female population this prisoner pulled off an incredible feat by impregnating two fellow female inmates.
It has never been heard of in all of history that a woman could impregnate another woman, but Minor seems to have done it, and I think he has not received the recognition that such an accomplishment deserves.
On a related matter, anthropologists are now realizing that it's transphobic to identify skeletal remains as male or female by virtue of the bone structure.
It's being brought to their attention that the bone structure tells them nothing about whether the individual actually identified as male or female, and thus it's implicit bigotry for the anthropologist to assume which one the person was simply based on anatomy.
Henceforth, in the absence of other clues, anthropologists are being admonished not to conclude anything about the gender of the skeletal remains.
Surely, this enlightened attitude will extend to contemporary forensic pathologists who examine remains found at a crime site. When police investigators inquire as to whether the remains are of a male or female the pathologist will simply have to reply that there's no way to tell what the individual identified as.
Indeed, even if the corpse is still in a state of relative undecay it'd be impossible to tell whether it's male or female without asking it, which is, of course, out of the question.
This may make solving the criminal case more difficult, but that's a small price to pay for adhering faithfully to the progressive transgender religion and avoiding the awful smear of being a transphobic bigot like the brat in this spelling bee: