Monday, October 7, 2024

Unspeakable Evil

A few days after the horrific slaughter of Israelis on October 7th of last year I wrote the following. It bears repeating today, one year after the barbarism of the Gazan Muslims:

Palestinian Muslims invaded Israel over the weekend, murdered hundreds of Israeli men, women and children, raped numerous women, beheaded captured soldiers, and leftists on our campuses and elsewhere have cheered them on. It turns one's stomach to think that not only is the Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran axis of evil being celebrated by Muslims around the world, but the evil that we've seen perpetrated by Hamas over the weekend actually has supporters in this country as well.

Students on university campuses, talking heads in our leftist media, and some of our political leaders are expressing support for Hamas and blaming Israel which is like blaming a rape victim for not being nicer to her rapist.

What did the Muslim terrorists actually do? Noah Pollack describes the horror:
When Hamas invaded Israel this morning, terrorists streamed across the border in pickup trucks, by motorcycle, on foot, and even on paragliders.

Once inside Israel, they abducted and murdered Israelis. They shot people in cars and at bus stops, they rounded up women and children into rooms like Einsatzgruppen—yes, the comparison is appropriate—and machine-gunned them.

They went house to house to find and murder civilians hiding in their closets, and they dragged the bloody, dead bodies of Israelis back into Gaza where they are now being paraded, beaten, and mutilated in front of exultant crowds.

One young woman was murdered and stripped to her underwear, and her corpse was thrown in the back of a pickup truck so it could be paraded around Gaza while young Hamas men beat and mutilated her body.

Hamas terrorists attacked a music festival in the desert. Dozens were killed and injured, and many more are missing. Footage shows young Israelis running for their lives.
As if all that were not barbaric enough, they took videos of all this and posted them to social media. Some even called their mothers to boast about how they slew their victims.

The number of Israelis murdered is proportional, population-wise, to the murders in a single day of 25,000 Americans. It's an attack much worse for Israel than the 9/11 attack was for the U.S.

People who do this to other people are savages. They're evil. Those who approve are equally as despicable. Those who are seeking to draw some kind of moral equivalence between Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran and the Israelis should be prayed for but otherwise ignored. They're either ignorant or complicit in the evil, and, sadly, there seem to be a lot of them around.